What Does “Fashion” Mean to You?


What exactly does the word “Fashion” mean to you? Fashion is something that means different things to many different individuals. In Dubai fashion is used to describe both the local culture which is primarily Muslim, and the modern cosmopolitan society of the area, which is Arab and Iranian.

The word “Fashion” does mean different things to everyone. In Dubai the common meaning of fashion may be different depending on who you are, where you reside, and who you are talking to. In Dubai, fashion is mostly used to describe clothing within the native Arabic speaking communities, which is a result of the massive influx of local Salafis (People of Arab descent). Although many non-Arabs also follow the trends in Dubai, the main group that practices modern fashion is the local population that has immigrated to work in the various western companies. This, of course, does not mean that the Arab populations in other countries have no stake in fashion; it simply means that not so many of them are doing the same thing in their local markets.

The Arab populations all over the world follow certain standards of dress that is dictated by Islamic law. These laws are strictly followed, and thus the clothing a person wears can tell you a lot about their morals and general lifestyle. This is why the clothing of the Dubai locals is quite fashionable, as they have developed a sense of respect for modesty and decency. Dubai is a modern city, and its people are highly educated. You will notice this reflected in their clothing.
